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报告人霍海叶 老师



  :腾讯会议ID329548124    会议密码:654321


  Sampling Theorems in the Linear Canonical Transform Domain


  要:The linear canonical transform (LCT) plays an important role in optical and digital signal processing. Over the past few decades, there has been a vast amount of research on sampling theorems for a deterministic signal bandlimited in the LCT domain. However, signals are usually random in practical situations. Hence, in this talk, we introduce sampling theorems for a random signal bandlimited in the LCT domain. First, we discuss the uniform sampling theorem and multi-channel sampling theorem for a random signal bandlimited in the LCT domain. Second, we investigate the nonuniform sampling for random signals which are bandlimited in the LCT domain. Finally, we analyze reconstruction error estimates for sampling a random signal in the LCT domain.





