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报告题目Shift operators on continuous functions

报告人:黄毅青教授 台湾中山大学




报告简介The shift operator on a separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space is an important object to study. There is also a notion of shift operators defined on any (infinite dimensional) Banach space. In this talk, we will study shift operators on the space C0(X) of continuous functions on a locally compact space X. We will study the structure of those shift operators. We also study the structure of the base space X whenever a shift operator exists on C0(X).


报告人简介:黄毅青(Ngai-Ching Wong) ,台湾中山大学教授,博士生导师,台湾高等教育评鉴中心,大学院系所评鉴数学统计学门规划委员及评鉴委员,台湾科技部,数学统计学数学组复审委员。黄毅青教授研究兴趣在于泛函分析、算子代数等领域,获得了丰硕的研究成果。2004年,黄毅青教授受华人数学家大会 ICCM 2004邀请作45分钟报告;目前已在J. Funct. Anal.Math. Ann., Math. Z.J. Operator TheorySIAM J. Control Optim.Contemp. Math.等顶级数学期刊发表多篇高水平论文。